Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Make a difference today with these easy green tips

Hi All, - I thought I'd get the blog kicked off with my initial list of green living tips. These are things that we call all do each day to start making a difference.

  • Save fuel by turning down the heat at night and while you are away - programmable thermometer can help.
  • Ensure your home is properly insulated to prevent heat loss.
  • Take advantage of renewable energy alternatives in in your daily activities. Dynamo technology is an excellent way to eliminate the need to disposable batteries. Check out Orion's dynamo flashlight as an example.
  • Use weather stripping and caulking to fix air leaks in your home.
  • Your furnace requires more energy when it's full of dust and dirt so change your air filter once a month to prevent buildup.
  • Use public transit or or self powered vehicles (bikes, etc) as opposed to cars to help reduce carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Use non-toxic household cleaning alternatives.
  • Avoid the use of aerosols.
  • When paint your home use water based latex paints as opposed to solvent based... and NEVER use lead based paints.
  • Do not dispose of your toxic household waste in the regular garbage or down the drain.
  • Generate excellent lawn fertilizer by composting your household food waste as shown in many organic gardening guides.
I encourage you to add to this list so we can all learn from your experiences. Lets make a difference today.

For more environmentally conscious topics check out our Organic Gardening blog!

Welcome to the green living tips blog


Welcome to my Green Living Tips blog.

Here I will be posting news, article and a ton of tips for living each day as environmentally conscious as possible.

See you soon...
